B.ed AIOU Details:➨➨➨➨➨➨➨➨➨➨
Before Getting Admission in b.ed you should know some things................
These are as follows.............
1. Categories:-
a. 1.5 Years ( After Master or Bachelor 4 years degree or 16 years degree)b. 2.5 year (After Bachelor 2 years Degree or 14 years degree)
c. 4 years (After intermediate degree of 12 years degree)
2.Course Code:-
you should Know about the course codes of all semesters of b.ed. because while filling the admission form you will need it and if you put wrong course code it will create problem in admission confirmation.Following link will Refer you to a page where course codes of all semester are given.
Course Codes Of B.ed AIOU
3. Workshops:-
in each semester of b.ed workshop is compulsory. workshop venue will be closet to your address. for each course code there are at least 2 days for workshop except teaching practices and research project. Teaching Practice I consists of 3 days workshop and 14 days of field work while Teaching Practice II consists of 7 days of workshop and 6 weeks (42 days) of field work with 42 Lesson Plans in which 2 Lesson Plans are final for presentation, a portfolio file and charts. timing of workshops will be 2 to on wards.
4. Specialization:-
Area of specialization is offered in second semester in which students have to choose their area of specialization of their own choice.this link has area of specialization list: Click
5. Assignments:-
in every semester assignments are compulsory. all subjects have assignments except teaching practices and research. each course code have 2 assignments as b.ed is half course. assignments and tutor list will be send to your postal address and are also available on the official website of university. each assignment contain 100 marks and 5 questions.
6. Teaching Practice I:-
in teaching practice I you must have to visit your selected school and will write field notes in the booklet provided by university. you must teach in school for 14 days and will attach teaching certificate will the booklet.you can get Sample Field Notes from Following Link:
Sample Field notes for b.ed teaching practice I
7. Teaching Practice II:-
in teaching practice II you must visit the selected school for 6 weeks and you have to teach the students and make lesson plans and charts etc. for leadership and management courses criteria will be different.you can get sample lesson plans(42) from following link:
Sample Lesson Plans for b.ed teaching practice II
teaching practice II has presentation in which you have to give presentation on 2 final lesson and you have to submit all 40+2(final)=42 lesson plans , a portfolio file consists of you educational data and charts. the presentation and all this required submitted data carry different marks but collectively have 100 marks which will be given by your instructor.you can get sample portfolio, charts etc from this link:
sample portfolio and charts for b.ed teaching practice II
9. Exams:-
at the end of each semester examinations will be held which will consists of 8 questions 20 marks each you have to write answers of 5. each course have 100 marks. passing marks are 50 out of 100.teaching practices and research project has no examination. paper timing will be 2 to 5 pm.you can get past papers by clicking this link.
Past Papers of B.ed
10. Research Project:-
research project will be in last semester of b.ed. this research project will be in written form as thesis. there is no viva for this but this is a compulsory part of the degree.list of important topics of thesis are in this following link.
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